
Showing posts from January, 2015

Interpretation of the Bible

In the world we live in today, there are so many different versions of the Bible. There are KJV, NKJV, NIV, TBL, NLT, ESV, and many more. The Bible has been updated to fit our lazy reading. People are beginning to believe the Bible is too hard to read because of all the ye, thou, shalt, thee, etc. These words are not hard to understand, and for some people reading these may honestly confuse them.  Ye=you. Thou=you. Thee=you. Shalt= will, shall, should. To be honest, if you have grown up in the Christian faith, you should understand it without have to modernize it. It seems we care about Shakespeare more than God when we can translate the Bible to fit the way we speak, but we leave the plays and poems of Shakespeare the way they were written. The main reason I dislike new translations of the Bible is because while they change the little ye’s and stuff to you’s they also change one word in verses everywhere to give it a different meaning. John 3:16 is a prime example of this wrongdo...


1 John 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: I saw this verse in my church notebook yesterday, and I had an epiphany! I realized that I can change the view of praying for others! This verse says that if we pray for something and it is God’s will, it will be. If it is not God’s will to fulfill that request, then he will not give us a “yes.” He only says “no” when it is not part of his plan, and we have to trust his plan. We have to trust that God knows what is best for us. We have to pray for our good, but we cannot be selfish. When God says no, we cannot hate him for it. God says no for our good because he loves us! God knows what our life will lead to, and he knows how to give us a good life. Trust God and pray, but know that God will say “yes” if it is meant to be. if he say no, he might have something better in store for you! Jesusfreak

Hello world!

Hi! My name shall go unknown as of now. I have many thoughts taking residence in my head daily. I have thoughts I didn't even think I could have… until I start to write. Writing is my passion. I can write a page of words easy. The words flow easily and the meaning fills the paper. Writing is a gift from God. The easiest thing for me to write about is God! I want to share my thoughts with y’all. I want you to be able see what I see. I want to inspire through my writing. I want to show Jesus and God’s love for all through everything I do. And writing is the easiest way for me to do that! I hope you are inspired! not for me, but for God. Praying always, Jesusfreak