Interpretation of the Bible

In the world we live in today, there are so many different versions of the Bible. There are KJV, NKJV, NIV, TBL, NLT, ESV, and many more. The Bible has been updated to fit our lazy reading. People are beginning to believe the Bible is too hard to read because of all the ye, thou, shalt, thee, etc. These words are not hard to understand, and for some people reading these may honestly confuse them.  Ye=you. Thou=you. Thee=you. Shalt= will, shall, should. To be honest, if you have grown up in the Christian faith, you should understand it without have to modernize it. It seems we care about Shakespeare more than God when we can translate the Bible to fit the way we speak, but we leave the plays and poems of Shakespeare the way they were written. The main reason I dislike new translations of the Bible is because while they change the little ye’s and stuff to you’s they also change one word in verses everywhere to give it a different meaning. John 3:16 is a prime example of this wrongdoing. The worst part is the Bible says NOT to change God’s word at all. Revelation 22:18-19; Galatians 1:9  Whether it be to help us understand it or to make it say what we want to hear, it is a sin to disobey God. I believe that if we love God enough, we don’t need to change His word to fit our needs. We are supposed to change our needs and wants to fit His word. This concept applies throughout the whole Bible.


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