
Showing posts from May, 2015

The World Keeps Spinning

I had some amazing friends of mine graduate last night. I can't believe it is already time for them to start preparing for the year ahead of them as they take on the challenges of college! I hate to say this, but I was hit pretty hard with reality. It always takes a drastic measure to get the fear inside of me working against my heart. My brain seems to enjoy tormenting me with negative thoughts.  Change has NEVER been my friend, and I don't think it ever will be. I cannot stand for life to come and go. I hate that people who enter our lives can leave in a split second! But it is at these times that my faith is tried. I have to push through and realize that although this big change is happening around me and will for 2 more years, God will always be my steady hand. He will guide me wherever He needs me, even if I don't want to be there. I seem to come across this epiphany every year, sometime. At this point, I am kind of tired of reiterating the knowledge of God's con...

The Unexpected

So many times throughout life, God creates stressful situations. These ups and downs we go through are typically part of life, no matter who we are. During these times, we must wait. Waiting is the best choice we could make as our emotions rage. The hardest part about waiting is not knowing, but not knowing what is happening is the purpose of waiting. The unexpected is what draws us closer to God, where we are lost He knows the way and leads us by his hand.  This is so prominent in high school with the relationships we have. We have to be brought back to reality a couple times. We come to the reminder that God has life planned out for us already. We have to trust that whatever he has in store for us is what is best.  We are human and we will never have the knowledge God has, yet we always seem to think we have EVERYTHING figured out. We have so few communication skills, and we often misread situations we are in. We think our friend wants to be more than friends or that the...


My biggest challenge. Patience. The amount of times I sit and wait for things to happen restlessly is innumerable. I seem to always tell people of my annoyance or fatigue as I wait on someone or something. As I do this, I deplete the purpose of waiting patiently. The best, purest definition of patience is to endure the discomfort we face without complaining about it. No matter how long we wait, if we do not wait patiently, was it worth it? If we do not appreciate and enjoy the time we get to watch and study the world around us, how would we feel when we receive what we had been waiting for? Would the discomfort of waiting for it outweigh the joy of it finally happening? Romans 12:12 Jesusfreak