The World Keeps Spinning

I had some amazing friends of mine graduate last night. I can't believe it is already time for them to start preparing for the year ahead of them as they take on the challenges of college! I hate to say this, but I was hit pretty hard with reality. It always takes a drastic measure to get the fear inside of me working against my heart. My brain seems to enjoy tormenting me with negative thoughts. 

Change has NEVER been my friend, and I don't think it ever will be. I cannot stand for life to come and go. I hate that people who enter our lives can leave in a split second! But it is at these times that my faith is tried. I have to push through and realize that although this big change is happening around me and will for 2 more years, God will always be my steady hand. He will guide me wherever He needs me, even if I don't want to be there. I seem to come across this epiphany every year, sometime. At this point, I am kind of tired of reiterating the knowledge of God's consistency to my heart. 

Isaiah 14:27

For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?


 This verse came to me this morning as I was scanning all the social media. This verse is awesome and promising. God knows what is best for us and NO MATTER what happens. There will be people who come in and out of our lives, but God's purpose for us and the path He is going to lead us on will not fail. God will not let the people or the things of this world keep us from the great things he has for our lives. And maybe these things aren't the best things in life, but they are better than if we didn't have God. They are better than living life without the hope of a future with the Father. They are better than the pain that has been our past. 

Writing this, somehow helped me, and I hope it helps you too, whoever you are. For the word of God is the best tool I have to comfort myself and the many people in need around the world and right by my side.



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