
Showing posts from 2016


Spilling my heart to y'all. We can hear things our whole lives and never really understand them until they become relevant to where are in life.   Love is emotion. Love is dangerous. Love comes from the heart, and I understand why we are to guard our hearts so carefully. Romance movies are trash. Romance movies are fiction. Romance movies are simply an appeal to Pathos to attract viewers. They're worthless, and I sometimes think they are vain. Love is not everything. Love cannot be contained in an hour and half of video. Love cannot be displayed by man when it was created by God. These movies glamorize love like people try to glamorize being rich. They have no substance. Two people meet and then 1 month later they declare their love for each other and kiss. The movie ends and gooey sap fills our hearts.  If I have learned anything in the past four and a half months, I would have to say that relationships don't fix us. Relationships can't complete us. Relationshi...

I Believe

I believe in God. I believe that he sent his son to this earth. I believe Jesus walked the dirt streets. I believe Jesus loved. I believe Jesus taught. I believe Jesus died. I believe Jesus rose. I believe there is hope. I believe in a divine path God has set for us. I beleive that we can lead ourselves away from the truth. I believe we can find God everyday.  I believe we can get off track. I believe in prayer. I believe the words of God. I believe the words that came from Jesus himself. I believe we are all sinners. I believe God has mercy.  I believe God is love. I believe God gives grace. I believe God is the truth. I believe baptism saves. I believe that grace alone doesn't cover all our sins. I believe in the impossible. I believe in love. I believe in faith.  I believe we will be held accountable for our actions good and bad. I believe in modesty. I believe in kind words. I believe that to love God is to live a godly life. I believe tha...

Trust Your Guide

     Summer of 2016 was quite a game changer...but that's a long story and not the topic I want to focus on right now. I do want to note that I had a babysitting job this summer that I was uncomfortable with for half of the summer, desperate for an escape from the loneliness that taunted me and the boredom I experienced. As the days passed and the hours wore on, I found that I did my best thinking while watching these kids...      While I was babysitting, I created a little habit with the children: we went on a walk around their neighborhood every morning after eating breakfast and getting ready for what God had planned for our day together. During one of our last walks together, I saw the similarities and differences of our walks as Christians and the morning walks I took with the girls I babysat.       You see, it seemed that every 2 minutes I would have to remind them to stay closer to the edge of the residential streets rather th...

Worship on the Table

I just wanted to share these little notes I've written for myself in the back of my Bible. I study over these when it come time to take of the offering God provided for us through the sacrifice of his son. Luke 22:19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, " This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me . " ----We take the bread, drink of the cup to remember his sacrifice given on the cross. Jesus lived and is alive today, no matter the doubts the devil forces into your mind. When we understand the why, we have a purpose. Your life should reflect his, so has it? Would you die to give the lost of this world the ultimate opportunity to live eternally? Do I love God? Am I willing to obey him? Is his son the most important thing in my life? We partake of the unleavened bread because it represents sincerity and truth; it is pure bread, undefiled before God. Just as we are to keep the church unleavene...

Til the Storm Passes Over

'Til the Storm Passes By - Mosie Lister In the dark of the midnight, Have I oft hid my face; While the storm howls above me, And there's no hiding place; 'Mid the crash of the thunder, Precious Lord, hear my cry; "Keep me safe 'til the storm passes by." 'Til the storm passes over, 'Til the thunder sounds no more; 'Til the clouds roll forever from the sky, Hold me fast, let me stand, In the hollow of Thy hand; Keep me safe 'til the storm passes by. Many times Satan whispers, "There is no need to try; For there's no end of sorrow, There's no hope by and by"; But I know Thou art with me, And tomorrow I'll rise; Where the storms never darken the skies. 'Til the storm passes over, 'Til the thunder sounds no more; 'Til the clouds roll forever from the sky, Hold me fast, let me stand, In the hollow of Thy hand; Keep me safe 'til the storm passes by. When the long night has ended, And the storms come no more, Le...