
Showing posts from January, 2017

Waiting, Trusting, Serving

I'm not a particularly patient person. I'm a millennial, so many will say I'm a product of my generation. I'm a young person who simply must have what they want as soon as they realize what it is that they want. But, I think it's more than that... I've always been afraid of what I can't control. I have a need to know what is coming in life. But God changes all of that. As a follower of Christ, I should trust God with every thing. Sometimes, I catch myself trying to predict my future, and then I feel like I'm jinxing everything, so I stop thinking. I'm a thinker. I dwell on thoughts much more than I should. In pursuit of peace and an end to my restlessness, I write these thoughts out. They aren't solely for me because I know I'm not alone in my fear of the future. We all dread what we can't see and what we can't change. Some more than others (me). Don't get me wrong, I know God has laid out every moment of our lives. I find mys...