Waiting, Trusting, Serving

I'm not a particularly patient person. I'm a millennial, so many will say I'm a product of my generation. I'm a young person who simply must have what they want as soon as they realize what it is that they want. But, I think it's more than that...

I've always been afraid of what I can't control. I have a need to know what is coming in life. But God changes all of that. As a follower of Christ, I should trust God with every thing. Sometimes, I catch myself trying to predict my future, and then I feel like I'm jinxing everything, so I stop thinking. I'm a thinker. I dwell on thoughts much more than I should.

In pursuit of peace and an end to my restlessness, I write these thoughts out. They aren't solely for me because I know I'm not alone in my fear of the future. We all dread what we can't see and what we can't change. Some more than others (me). Don't get me wrong, I know God has laid out every moment of our lives. I find myself dreaming of the future more than living in the present, but when we do that, we miss opportunities that may build a better future.

Solomon shared his wisdom concerning time in Ecclesiastes.
 "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV
While we may want to be through specific period in our lives, there is a purpose for every thing. High school drags on, and we ache to be "free", but do we realize the blessing before us in that time. We have a mission field in the palm of our hands, yet we are so engrossed by schoolwork, friends, and fun to see the real reason for where we are in that time of life.

Waiting has never been easy for me, and I can attribute that to my genes, or I can accept it as a fault of mine and learn from each instance in which I fail. Waiting is not a time to dwell on whatever it may be we are waiting for but to prepare ourselves for what is to come.
      High school is a waiting time for college.
      College is a waiting time for real life.
      More personally, being single is a waiting time for being married.
      But all of these things, and more, are a waiting time for the coming of the Lord.

So waiting isn't easy, but it's a part of life. Waiting has a purpose. God wants us to search him, seek his truth, and grow in the waiting. That's why we must wait. We must grow. If we want the best things in life and God's bountiful blessings, waiting is part of that process. God will never give us something  we are not ready for. So if your not ready for a relationship, you'll be waiting. If you're not ready for a promotion, you'll be waiting. If you're not ready for anything, you'll be waiting. Because God wants you to succeed and sometimes in order to succeed, we must first wait. 

So wait. Wait for God's plan instead of making your own. Wait for his coming. Waiting doesn't consist of sitting and watching life pass us by. Waiting is the best time for us to do something. Read. Study. Pray. Grow. Learn. Love. Be a product of the generations of Christians before you. The longer we sit and do nothing, the harder it is to wait.

Wait for God's will to be accomplished by trusting him, serving him, and pursuing his ways. 

"Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey."

Hosea 12:6  KJV
     "Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgment, and wait on thy God continually."



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