
Showing posts from February, 2017

Letting God

I'm tired of everything that ties me to this world. I want to be free of the holds homework, college, and my future career have on me. I want to be rid of the stresses of these little things that steal my silent time with Jesus...but I can't. To let go of these things, to be rid of these things, would mean throwing away my mission field. To trash these worldly duties is to reject the purpose God has for my life.  I was thinking about my near future and distant future today, so I went outside to get fresh air. I needed air. I needed wind. I needed sun. I needed the Son. As I was walking back into the house, I looked in front of me and the sun was in the perfect position in the sky to blind me. When I looked into the sun, I could not see anything else in front of me. I saw the sun, and I saw the place my feet stood. Following God and pursuing his will is much like looking into the ultimate source of light. When we focus on the Father and his plan for our lives, we can't see...