Empty Heart, Pure Heart

PaPa:"Don't let that boy take your heart."
Me: "Don't worry, he only has a little."
PaPa: "No, I meant away from God. Don't let him take your heart away from God."
Me: "Oh."
PaPa: "Many people fall in love and lose their way because of it."
Me: "PaPa, I like him, but I am not in love."
Concerning the conversation above, I want to make one thing clear, just because I am not in love with this friend of mine, it does not mean that I am not guilty of heading in that direction. It's crazy how many love songs today say "I will do anything to get you to love me, to feel the same way I feel." I have ALWAYS hated those certain verses in a song because I will NOT do anything to get a boy to love me. 
I WILL NOT forsake God for a boy to love me. 
I WILL NOT let him take advantage of me for him to love me. 
I WILL NOT like the things he likes and do the things he does for a boy to love me. 
I WILL NOT do everything he says to make him love me. 

My grandpa hit the nail on the head tonight. He called me out on a fear: forsaking God for a boy. It gave me a great awakening because I have been thinking about this long and hard. Relationships take work, especially when both parties have different views of Christianity. Somebody has to concede, somebody has to change. And I have always known that it WILL NOT be me. 

That's why older people wish us to find someone who already believes what we believe. To marry and spend life with God and a spouse who has the same view on controversial subjects. It is hard to bring someone into the church who doesn't originally go there when in a relationship....but it has been done before. Three times.

1) My Aunt Marlena and Uncle Jimmy. Who do you think was converted to Church of Christ after being a baptist? It wasn't my aunt, but my uncle. She had the love, passion, strength, and purity to change my uncle's heart, soul, and mind. I wish I could ask her how she did it but sadly, I am 14 years too late. 

2) A younger couple at my church. I'll ask again who you think brought whom to church, the male brought the female or the opposite? If you said male brought female, you are wrong. Yet again the woman changed the heart, soul, and mind of the man. They met in college, but she was in the church and he wasn't He liked her immediately, but she knew they could not date until he turned his life around. And he did, out of all the younger men in our congregation, this man is the most energetic and charismatic. This couple is the ultimate relationship goals.

3) My friend's parents. I do not really know the background of their story, but I do know that her mom helped her dad into the Church of Christ when he was a baptist. 

You see it is not us women who have the power to change these men, but God works through us to bring them to the truth. It is possible. ladies, but it takes time and strength. Because we are strong on our own, but with the pressures of someone we care about, it can get hard to stand on the chair...

  Cathy Christian and Peter Pagan like each other. Cathy has a mindset to bring Peter towards the truth and into the light as Jesus is in the light. Meanwhile, Peter plans to drag Cathy to his level. At this point Cathy would be on a chair and Peter on the ground (metaphorically). Cathy is strong but the pull to get Peter to stand with her on the chair is tough. Peter, having the advantage, pulls Cathy down in a instant.

Here, it is shown, that as we try to pull others up, we might be pulled down. So be careful when you try to change others' lives. I need to take my own advice because I am afraid of this. It is scary, for me, to imagine living a happy life with a cute family, but I am not content because I sacrificed my relationship with my father for a relationship with my husband. 

I put my God above all people, even my family.
I put my relationship as his servant above any dating relationship.

I do fall sometimes, but I cling to the rock, and he does not move. I get back up and start over, focusing on Him.
I am terrified of where I am going, but I pray with my whole heart and soul that I love God more than this boy. I pray that I follow God and not the pattern of men.

Empty out the bad. Fill in God.
Empty of evil.
Full of purity.



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