Living Water
For this whole week, I have carried my water with me wherever I go, but today I left it in the car. I didn't realize I didn't have my water with me until I got to 2nd period, and I was mad at myself. I was thirsty, and I really wanted my water bottle. Many times throughout the day, I reached down to grab it and it wasn't in my backpack. I was especially thirsty during lunch when I had nothing to drink. You're probably reading this thinking I'm dumb for not going to the water fountain to get a drink, that would work right? WRONG! Every time I drink from the water fountains, I get a terrible headache, but it makes me nauseous, not in pain. That may seem like an excuse, but I tell the truth.
John 4:14 à But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
Jesus is the living water, and when we invest our heart, soul, mind, strength, and time in Him we are drinking the water of life. Just as our bodies need water to function, so our souls need living water to thrive. The scariest part is when you don't drink that water everyday or as much as you used to. You won't feel anymore different, your soul won't stop working, but it won't thrive. Without the Lord, we cannot be spiritually healthy, that is a fact. We will feel that craving for water, but it will never be satisfied. Living water runs forever, it is eternal, just as the longing of our hearts to our Father.
I am literally thirsty, desiring of, for the Lord. The Bible tells us to thirst after the Lord, but not to quench the spirit. This is not warning against too much living water. In the context it is telling us that no matter how much water we have, never let it be enough. Have a big enough passion, faith, hope, love, strength, or devotion to always want more. We can never get too much of the fellowship of brethren or time with God. The soul will never be satisfied on this earth without the daily dosage of water for the soul. As soon as we gulp it down, the world digests it into the body. We make the choice of whether we want more or if the "school water" will make us feel better, lose the doubts, or run away from our battles.
Jesus gave us is up to us what to do with it.
Drink it?
Refuse it?
Your soul. Your choice. Your destination.
Everyday last year, I had P.E. first period. When we were in the middle of an activity, I would go get a drink.
I was fine, but every. single. day. I would get a headache towards the end of the school day.
I just connected the dots myself, realizing that the school water is probably what caused those headaches.
I found this weird too, but I also wanted more water, so I bought a bottle, with a filter, that would allow me to drink more water. I fill it about 3 times a day, the exact amount of ounces recommended for my body weight. With 96-128 ounces of water a day, I went to the bathroom more often than usual. Even though I did not have my water at all today, I still carried on with my ways, and my body still worked normally. My body has barely noticed the difference. I cannot tell you how much I wanted my water, and that may be strange, but I love water. I love living water.
I am literally thirsty, desiring of, for the Lord. The Bible tells us to thirst after the Lord, but not to quench the spirit. This is not warning against too much living water. In the context it is telling us that no matter how much water we have, never let it be enough. Have a big enough passion, faith, hope, love, strength, or devotion to always want more. We can never get too much of the fellowship of brethren or time with God. The soul will never be satisfied on this earth without the daily dosage of water for the soul. As soon as we gulp it down, the world digests it into the body. We make the choice of whether we want more or if the "school water" will make us feel better, lose the doubts, or run away from our battles.
Jesus gave us is up to us what to do with it.
Drink it?
Refuse it?
Your soul. Your choice. Your destination.
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