
Showing posts from 2015

Random Wisdom

As I am looking through one of my used journals I took notes in during church services, I am finding wonderful bits of wisdom from the godly men that gave these lessons. A lot of them are from church meetings where the congregations of the church of Christ from NM, CO, TX, OK, AR, and maybe more, came together to be admonished, uplifted, and renewed with the word of our Father. I feel the sincerest need to share these sentences although I know not everybody will agree with them. I have learned, finally, that nothing happens when we want it, but only when and if God plans it. I couldn't convey this all in a tweet or on any other social media, unless I used my blog. After all, this is why I created it, to save you, help you, encourage you. I want to plant a seed that God can use to change you and your heart, soul, and most importantly, your eternity. These accumulate from many lessons, and I hope you look deeper into the verses behind each one. Now some of them may not have verses, a...



Living Water

    For this whole week, I have carried my water with me wherever I go, but today I left it in the car.  I didn't realize I didn't have my water with me until I got to 2nd period, and I was mad at myself.  I was thirsty, and I really wanted my water bottle.  Many times throughout the day, I reached down to grab it and it wasn't in my backpack.  I was especially thirsty during lunch when I had nothing to drink.  You're probably reading this thinking I'm dumb for not going to the water fountain to get a drink, that would work right?  WRONG!  Every time I drink from the water fountains, I get a terrible headache, but it makes me nauseous, not in pain.  That may seem like an excuse, but I tell the truth. Everyday last year, I had P.E. first period.  When we were in the middle of an activity, I would go get a drink. I was fine, but every. single. day. I would get a headache towards the end of the school day. I just conn...

Empty Heart, Pure Heart

PaPa: "Don't let that boy take your heart." Me: "Don't worry, he only has a little." PaPa: "No, I meant away from God. Don't let him take your heart away from God." Me: "Oh." PaPa: "Many people fall in love and lose their way because of it." Me: "PaPa, I like him, but I am not in love."   Concerning the conversation above, I want to make one thing clear, just because I am not in love with this friend of mine, it does not mean that I am not guilty of heading in that direction. It's crazy how many love songs today say "I will do anything to get you to love me, to feel the same way I feel." I have ALWAYS hated those certain verses in a song because I will NOT do anything to get a boy to love me.  I WILL NOT forsake God for a boy to love me.  I WILL NOT let him take advantage of me for him to love me.  I WILL NOT like the things he likes and do the things he does for a boy to love me.  I WILL N...

Mindset In today's society, everybody has a phone. Whether it be new or old, ugly or fashionable. We look down at these tiny little screens so often that we forget to look up at the sky and see the majestic beauty of our Father in heaven. We think about our phones and social networks even when it's not in our hands. We turn our focus to this technology, and we wonder why the world has gone downhill as fast as it has. If we paid attention to God and the work that needs to be done for the kingdom, the world would be a better place. A lot of people have social media to contact those around the world and spread God's word over the internet. We have to realize that although many people tweet bible verses, sometimes their actions don't match those they input on twitte...

The World Keeps Spinning

I had some amazing friends of mine graduate last night. I can't believe it is already time for them to start preparing for the year ahead of them as they take on the challenges of college! I hate to say this, but I was hit pretty hard with reality. It always takes a drastic measure to get the fear inside of me working against my heart. My brain seems to enjoy tormenting me with negative thoughts.  Change has NEVER been my friend, and I don't think it ever will be. I cannot stand for life to come and go. I hate that people who enter our lives can leave in a split second! But it is at these times that my faith is tried. I have to push through and realize that although this big change is happening around me and will for 2 more years, God will always be my steady hand. He will guide me wherever He needs me, even if I don't want to be there. I seem to come across this epiphany every year, sometime. At this point, I am kind of tired of reiterating the knowledge of God's con...

The Unexpected

So many times throughout life, God creates stressful situations. These ups and downs we go through are typically part of life, no matter who we are. During these times, we must wait. Waiting is the best choice we could make as our emotions rage. The hardest part about waiting is not knowing, but not knowing what is happening is the purpose of waiting. The unexpected is what draws us closer to God, where we are lost He knows the way and leads us by his hand.  This is so prominent in high school with the relationships we have. We have to be brought back to reality a couple times. We come to the reminder that God has life planned out for us already. We have to trust that whatever he has in store for us is what is best.  We are human and we will never have the knowledge God has, yet we always seem to think we have EVERYTHING figured out. We have so few communication skills, and we often misread situations we are in. We think our friend wants to be more than friends or that the...


My biggest challenge. Patience. The amount of times I sit and wait for things to happen restlessly is innumerable. I seem to always tell people of my annoyance or fatigue as I wait on someone or something. As I do this, I deplete the purpose of waiting patiently. The best, purest definition of patience is to endure the discomfort we face without complaining about it. No matter how long we wait, if we do not wait patiently, was it worth it? If we do not appreciate and enjoy the time we get to watch and study the world around us, how would we feel when we receive what we had been waiting for? Would the discomfort of waiting for it outweigh the joy of it finally happening? Romans 12:12 Jesusfreak


As followers of Christ, we are to seek his ways. We are to try the best we can to show others what it is to act Christ-like. Whether or not they believe we are "powered" by God's grace, we can try to leave a mark on their lives. They may not respond now or ever, but we tried with all we had to help them and lead them in the right direction. Didn't we? Didn't we speak up against their evil ways? Didn't we help them when they were conflicted? Didn't we give them advice? Didn't we be a friend when all their friends had gone no matter what others thought? Didn't we help the least of these? (Matthew 25:40) Many times we take the days we have with others for granted. And many times we are hit with the realization that we may not be doing enough. Even though these thoughts cloud our judgement of how effective we have been in others' lives, we have to keep pushing through and realize we won't see immediate effects. Just like medication, the hea...


No matter what you are on the outside, who you are on the inside is more important. Open your eyes, take off the blindfold. You deserve to have your own spotlight because everybody is something. Even when you feel like nothing, you are something.  Luke 12: 6-7  6 Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? 7 But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. J esusfreak

God's Will

Throughout our lives, we often wonder why the things we want most don't come to us easily, or at all.  We always seem to crave the good aspects of life. We want to material things that only pretty people or funny people receive. We seem to forget that whatever happens in our life is planned by God. We are oblivious to the fact that whatever we want may not be what we need. God has his hand on us, and whether or not we like it, we will not always get what we want out of life.  The earthly things we desire compared to the heavenly awards are worthless. We want what we like and is beautiful, fun, or worth while NOW. Our society does NOT want to wait for the blessings God will grant us. God has a schedule for our lives and the things He holds for us will occur when they need to. Even if people refuse to believe in God or follow His word, He always has a road for them to travel on.  Lately, i have been over-thinking, which really isn't random. I am focusing everything I ha...

Interpretation of the Bible

In the world we live in today, there are so many different versions of the Bible. There are KJV, NKJV, NIV, TBL, NLT, ESV, and many more. The Bible has been updated to fit our lazy reading. People are beginning to believe the Bible is too hard to read because of all the ye, thou, shalt, thee, etc. These words are not hard to understand, and for some people reading these may honestly confuse them.  Ye=you. Thou=you. Thee=you. Shalt= will, shall, should. To be honest, if you have grown up in the Christian faith, you should understand it without have to modernize it. It seems we care about Shakespeare more than God when we can translate the Bible to fit the way we speak, but we leave the plays and poems of Shakespeare the way they were written. The main reason I dislike new translations of the Bible is because while they change the little ye’s and stuff to you’s they also change one word in verses everywhere to give it a different meaning. John 3:16 is a prime example of this wrongdo...


1 John 5:14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: I saw this verse in my church notebook yesterday, and I had an epiphany! I realized that I can change the view of praying for others! This verse says that if we pray for something and it is God’s will, it will be. If it is not God’s will to fulfill that request, then he will not give us a “yes.” He only says “no” when it is not part of his plan, and we have to trust his plan. We have to trust that God knows what is best for us. We have to pray for our good, but we cannot be selfish. When God says no, we cannot hate him for it. God says no for our good because he loves us! God knows what our life will lead to, and he knows how to give us a good life. Trust God and pray, but know that God will say “yes” if it is meant to be. if he say no, he might have something better in store for you! Jesusfreak

Hello world!

Hi! My name shall go unknown as of now. I have many thoughts taking residence in my head daily. I have thoughts I didn't even think I could have… until I start to write. Writing is my passion. I can write a page of words easy. The words flow easily and the meaning fills the paper. Writing is a gift from God. The easiest thing for me to write about is God! I want to share my thoughts with y’all. I want you to be able see what I see. I want to inspire through my writing. I want to show Jesus and God’s love for all through everything I do. And writing is the easiest way for me to do that! I hope you are inspired! not for me, but for God. Praying always, Jesusfreak